Bishop E.W. Jackson

Bishop E.W. Jackson

Bishop E.W. Jackson

Bishop Jackson was  born a great- grandson of slaves from Orange County, Virginia. Was born in PA. lived in foster homes after parents divorced. Earn a BS from the University of Massachusetts, a law degree from Harvard University, and attended Harvard Divinity School and ordained as a Baptist Minister. 

He served in the U.S. Marines from 1970-73. Practiced law in Boston for 15 years and at the same time started a church. He rescued a bankrupt radio station in Boston, ran for 9 years.

In 1998 he moved to Chesapeake, VA and started Bible studies with his wife Theodara. They established  “The Called Church” now called “Exodus Faith Church” a non-denominational church in Chesapeake.

He founded S.T.A.N.D. Foundation (Stay True to America’s National Destiny). A non-profit Christian political organization.

He had been a candidate for U.S. Senate and for Lt. Governor in Virginia.

He has written two books: “Ten Commandments to an Extraordinary Life”, and “12 Principals to Make Your Life Extraordinary”.

He is a sought after guest speaker and panelist on Christian talk radio and TV shows, because of his expertise on the American Constitution and U.S. Government.