We need your help Marketing the Tent Revival through your Social Media Channels.

Here’s the message we would like to flood Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter.

  1. Copy Post below and Paste it to your Social Media platform. You can post to more than one platform.

  2. Scroll down and right click the photo to download (save image as) to your computer, then include the image with your post. Photos are important for more visibility.

  3. Post and Share with your social network.

This is the strongest way to distribute our message and reach the masses for Jesus Christ.



The Tent Revival at Bennet't’s Creek Park on October 8-10 will feature a YOUTH EXPLOSION.

Youth Speaker, David Brinkley from Orlando, Florida and Youth Entertainer, Angel Monet, will be on hand to our K-12 attendees. The YOUTH EXPLOSION will start one hour before each service. Other breakout sessions will be happening all 3 days.

For more information, visit www.rekindleva.com/tent-revival.

Youth Explosion.png

Here’s what it should look like…

Click any image to see it in real time.







Virginia needs to hear more about Jesus and experience a modern revival.

That opportunity is NOW! A Tent Revival is schedule at Bennett’s Creek Park on October 8-10.

Rekindle the flames of fire in Virginia. For more information, visit www.rekindleva.com/tent-revival.

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